Faith Comes

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Romans 10:17

Trust. Confidence. Assurance. Belief. These are all words used to define faith. But how can we really understand faith? Faith seems abstract and difficult to comprehend. Consider the chair illustration. Simply stated, every time you sit in a chair you exercise faith. Sitting in a chair is a two-step process. First, you have to believe that the chair is designed to support the person who sits in it. But actually sitting in the chair requires faith. Faith, then, is trusting that what you believe is actually true. Faith is belief that leads to action.

Faith doesn’t just believe a flood is coming. Faith builds an ark. Faith doesn’t just believe that God saves. Faith walks through the sea. Faith doesn’t just believe it can walk on water. Faith steps out of the boat.

Go ahead and trust God today for what you believe He will do. Lay aside worry and fear. Build that ark. Walk through the sea. Step out of the boat. Sit in the chair. Allow your faith to lead you to action.


God is with Us


Do You Believe This?