The Eternal Rock

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“Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:4 

Do you ever feel like life is spinning out of control? Do you struggle to find peace amid life’s storms? Sometimes it seems that the only thing constant in life is change, but there is one thing that never changes and that is God. Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means the God who breathed and stars appeared is the same today as He was then. You don’t have to wonder what kind of mood God is in today. He is steadfast, always the same. 

Isaiah tells us to trust in the Lord always. And he gives us good reason. God is the eternal Rock. Sometimes eternal Rock is translated everlasting strength. God is unchangeable. You can count on Him. You can trust Him. Trust is the key that unlocks peace in our lives. But trusting the Lord is not always accompanied by understanding. Life is not fair. Things happen that we don’t understand. There will always be storms in this life. There will be unanswered questions.

You have to trust God in the middle of the things you don’t understand or you will never have the peace your heart is longing for. But we can have peace amid life’s storms because we have an unchanging God in an ever-changing world. Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.


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