Who Are You?

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“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Who am I? It’s a question every one of us has asked ourselves. If I said, “Describe yourself without using your name,” you might tell me you are a student, a businessperson, a teacher, or a nurse. You might say, “I’m a mother, a brother, or a friend to someone.” We often find our identity in what we do or in our relationships. But our true identity cannot be found in what in we do, our relationships, what people say about us, our successes or failures, by comparing ourselves to others, or in what someone has done to us. These things may help tell your story, but they don’t answer the question, “Who are you?”

Who you are (or who you perceive yourself to be) will determine how you live your life. Your true identity can only be found in Christ. You will never live the life that Christ intended for you to live if you don’t know who you are in Him.

The word identity comes from the Latin word “idem,” meaning same or the quality of being identical. We were created by God to identify with God. Genesis 1 says, “God created human beings in his own image.” When the world looks at you, it should be hard for them to tell you from Jesus. The word Christian means Christ-like. It was first used in Antioch by people outside the faith who saw that Jesus’ followers reminded them of him. 

The world around us should see Jesus reflected not just in our behavior and attitudes, but also in who we are. Like Jesus, you are a blessed, Spirit-Filled son or daughter of God. You are his beloved in whom he is well pleased. This is your true identity in Christ. This is who you are.


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