Wisdom and Discipline

“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7

I remember the first time I saw a kid on a leash. I was at the mall. I have to admit I was very surprised to see a child all harnessed up with what reminded me of a retractable dog leash attached to his back. I realize that it was for the child’s safety and protection. I can understand that. 

One time I was standing on the bank of a creek at a family picnic when my young nephew, who did not know how to swim, came barreling down the hill and ran headlong into the cold spring water. Before I could blink an eye, he was fully submerged, but his dad, who was standing knee-deep in the creek just reached down, grabbed him by the back of the shirt and pulled him to safety. I stood there in amazement as the whole drama played out in a matter of seconds. A kid leash would have come in handy that day. You can be sure my nephew got a good talking-to that afternoon. Correction and discipline might just keep him from hurting himself in the future.  

Sometimes I feel like the Lord needs to put a leash on His kids. Correction and discipline can keep us from hurting ourselves or others. While there isn’t a kid leash for God’s children, perhaps we need to reign ourselves in, to use wisdom, to think things through, and when we go astray, to accept the correction of God, our loving Father. Sometimes he may have to grab us by the back of the shirt and pull us to safety, but we would be fools to despise His wisdom and discipline. 


Imagine a World


Nothing to Fear