Preferential Love
Wendy Richmond Wendy Richmond

Preferential Love

There is but one word for love in the English language. Although varied in meaning and intent, we use this same English word when we say, “I love your shoes,” “I love pizza,” or “I love you.” Unlike the English, there are four different Greek words for love, the language that 1 John was written in. To say that God is love goes far beyond the kind of love that signifies friendship or the love between siblings or even brothers and sisters in Christ…

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How to Thrive
Wendy Richmond Wendy Richmond

How to Thrive

For forty days and nights Jesus had gone without food and he had become very hungry. About that time the devil shows up with an idea. “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.” Jesus was the Son of God and he certainly could have turned the stones to bread. But Satan was asking Jesus to use his power and authority to serve himself rather than to depend on the Father for His provision. Jesus was being tested, but instead of turning stones to bread, Jesus quotes scripture….

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