The Noise
Wendy Richmond Wendy Richmond

The Noise

There is so much noise in the world right now, so many things to have an opinion about. But is my opinion really what people want to hear? Will the noise I make make a difference? The last thing I want to do is add to the noise. What if, instead of adding to the noise, we truly begin to love one another?…

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Just Because You Can
Wendy Richmond Wendy Richmond

Just Because You Can

When I was a kid, there was a rule we all lived by. This rule was so sacred that it was practically unspoken. Everyone just knew. If we strayed from this one rule, Mom would always be quick to remind us. The rule was “It’s not fun if everyone’s not having fun.” It might be fun for you to tease your brother, but if it’s not fun for your brother then you’re in big trouble. Don’t be concerned only for your own good but for the good of others. Don’t do something just because you can…

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